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Erfindungen, die auf neuartige Weise verwendet werden

toothbrushes and toothpaste

Best place to buy:  One dollar stores, Amazon
Average product price:  €2.20* (toothbrush), €2.50* (toothpaste)

At least twice a day, most people perform two rituals of dental hygiene: brushing teeth and using toothpaste. In fact, this is primarily the effect of toothpaste commercials, which typically show the toothpaste being squeezed onto the brush in large blobs. Do not follow the recommendations in these ads.

It is conceivable that you are putting too much toothpaste on your teeth. If you asked ABC News about it, most dentists would tell you to use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste when brushing your teeth. It is recommended that your toothpaste also contains fluoride. Using too much toothpaste can cause your teeth to become discolored and damaged over time, showing that using too much toothpaste is a significant risk.

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