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Erfindungen, die auf neuartige Weise verwendet werden

straws and strawberries

Best Place to Buy:  Local grocery stores, Amazon (for straws)
Average product price:  €2.22-€3.22/kg.* (strawberries), $8.95/200* (straws)

Strawberries are a tasty and nutritious treat that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, including as a snack, in a salad, or even as part of a dessert. With so many strawberries to slice, preparing a popular delicacy like a strawberry shortcake can be time-consuming and tedious.

To do this work, it is necessary to remove the leaves, but in addition, it is important to recently cut off the top of the berry. Use a cheap plastic (or metal) straw to easily remove the leaves from the strawberry. It is enough to stick the straw vertically into the pointed end of the berry to remove the leaves.

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