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pipe cleaners

Best place to buy:  DIY stores, Amazon
Average product price:  €4.49/100*

It is these colorful straws with a flexible and fluffy texture that are used in crafting. There’s a good reason they’re called pipe cleaners, although playing with your kids is not only a hassle-free and uncomplicated way to spend quality time with them, they’re also practical. They are so versatile that they can even be used to clean pipes.

Even something as sparkly and girly as a pipe cleaner can be used to get into the smallest of spaces. However, cleaning pipes is not the only application you can use it for. You’ll be able to access any hard-to-clean spot. You can also use it to apply liquids such as paints, solvents, greases and oils, and to catch drips that fall from a leaking container.

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