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These Beloved Stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age Are Still Alive And Enjoying Life In Retirement

Barbara Feldon — 1933

One of the biggest stars of the last century, Barbara Feldon is still gracing us with her presence. She’s 85 years of age now and happily settling into retirement – as she should be, after such a long, successful, and remarkable career in the entertainment industry. Her most famous role is that of ‘Agent 99’ in a comedy show titled Get Smart. Even when she started making good money with acting, she still worked as a model.

Along with her acting job, of which a lot took place on the theater rather than the big screen, Barbara was also a writer of a few books. The actress has no children, so we believe she must have consulted with her lawyer well, regarding her property and net worth. After all, she has to manage all by herself, alongside taking care of her diet facts at 87.

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