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The Beloved Stars of Hollywood Who Have Aged Too Flawlessly To Be True

Shirley MacLaine — 1934

Shirley MacLaine is one incredibly talented woman who wears many hats – the American beauty, who dabbles in film, TV, and theater acting, is also a writer, activist, singer, and dancer! She really knows how to spend her time wisely when it comes to her career.

We first saw her in The Trouble With Harry, a 1955 Alfred Hitchcock classic film. And since then, she has acted in a variety of other movies that earned her a host of awards and nominations, making her a woman to watch out for in the industry. One big achievement in her career is the fact that she is just one among two other actresses who has had the honor of winning the Best Actress award during the esteemed Venice Film Festival.

These days, MacLaine is not as active as she was back in her hey days. As one of the last remaining stars from Hollywood’s Golden Age, MacLaine is taking it easy and enjoying the comforts of life. She may have aged but we can’t deny that she has done so flawlessly! Her secrets? Well, she revealed in an interview that it’s more mental work than physical as she expressed that she doesn’t worry too much about the future and doesn’t pay mind to her age. Very wise words, indeed.

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