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The Beloved Stars of Hollywood Who Have Aged Too Flawlessly To Be True

Tina Turner — Born 1939

Tina Turner’s net worth turns out to be $230 million. And well she isn’t quite what you can call ‘retired;’ in the true sense of the word. Her bank account is spilling over and Tina can now sit back and enjoy her hard-earned money, looking back at the days with pride, happiness, and nostalgia.

Her life wasn’t dull by any standards, and she lived her life king-size or should we say queen size! She had acted in a couple of movies, and the most popular is one is What’s Love Got To Do With It.

However, she is also adept at singing and made a great job out of her singing profession. She has lent her voice to a lot of albums which has won the world over. At seventy-nine years of age, she’s taking it easy and enjoying a leisurely pace of life.

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