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The Beloved Stars of Hollywood Who Have Aged Too Flawlessly To Be True

Joe Turkel — 1927

Ninety-one-year-old Joe Turkel has had quite a career! Having acted in movies like The ShiningPaths of Glory, and The Killing, Joe Turkel became a popular name in the industry. His rendition of the ghostly bartender in Kubrick’s The Shining still sends a chill down our spine. The Shining He also claimed fame with the character Dr. Eldon Tyrell from Blade Runner.

He had started his career with the army, and when he came back from the war, he pursued a career in Hollywood. He wrote screenplays and acted in movies, finally left Hollywood in 1998.

It is safe to assume that he is spending his days in his retirement home now, reminiscing about his golden past. We hope he already has the best-suited health insurance for himself to secure his remaining days. We will always cherish the fond memories of his time in Hollywood.

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