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The Beloved Stars of Hollywood Who Have Aged Too Flawlessly To Be True

Max Baer Jr. – December 4, 1937

When Donna Douglas from The Beverly Hillbillies passed away in 2015, Max Baer Jr. became the only surviving member of the series’ cast. Today, Max is 82 years old and lives in Nevada. He had acted both before and after the show, but that’s arguably the project for which he’s mostly remembered.

The last time he had an acting project was in the early ‘90s when he played in an episode of Murder, She Wrote. That doesn’t mean that he’s staying away from the camera, though, because, in 2020, he participated in Jay Sebring…. Cutting to the Truth.

Today, Max Baer, Jr. is doing great as a business building a Beverly Hillbillies empire and that includes Jethro’s Beverly Hills Mansion and Casinos with a number of amenities as inspired by the show. Here’s hoping he continues to shine in whatever business ventures he attempts.

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