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Erfindungen, die auf neuartige Weise verwendet werden


Best place to buy:  Amazon, hardware stores
Average product price:  €6.99* (sink), €14.49* (toilet)

If you come across this plug, chances are you are familiar with its use and you might even have an example lying around your house. I find the darning to be tedious and unappetizing. On the other hand, if you use the wrong plug, you can make things even more difficult for yourself. Some sink plungers are designed for use in the sink, while others are made solely for use in the toilet. This is how you can tell the difference between the two.

Look at the bottom of the container to find the suction cup. When the toilet sucker is not in use, a rubber flap made of a flexible material protrudes from the inside of the toilet sucker. The flap can be used to cover the toilet drain when not in use. There is no substance worth mentioning other than a red sink plug.

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