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Laura Müller and Michael Wendler – together since 2020

Laura Mueller and Michael Wendler

Laura Müller and Michael Wendler’s love has been criticized since the beginning of the relationship. First it was the big age difference between the two spouses that made some people skeptical and at least since the conspiracy scandal surrounding the hit star, even more of them are sure that the 20-year-old would be better off without the singer.

In 2018, the then 18-year-old met the 28-year-old singer Michael Wendler (* 1972) at a concert in Berlin, with whom she has been in a relationship since October 2018. The relationship became public in early February 2019. What is explosive about the whole thing, however, is that Michael was still married to his ex-wife Claudia Norberg at the time…

Some fans even rumored whether Laura Müller and Michael Wendler are still together. But on Telegram, Michael made sure that all the rumors weren’t true and that he and Laura are still happy together. We wish them both good luck!

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