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Captured in the Nick of Time: Shocking Jaw-Dropping Photos That Defy Belief

Table-Sized Deception to Mouthwatering Mystique

Indulging in pizza is practically a universal pleasure, isn’t it? Yet, let’s not go overboard and ravage a pizza the size of a table! Sure, there are many places that serve these colossal pies, ideal for grand bashes and ravenous crowds. It deceives the eye, for the pizza itself is simply normal-sized.

Cunningly placed on a serving dish resembling a table, the genius behind the camera captures a jaw-dropping illusion. However, the biggest mind-blowing trivia question is whether the largest pizza ever made measured a staggering 131 feet in diameter. Alas, today’s feast may not be overlooked, but let’s relish a modest-sized slice nonetheless.

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