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The Beloved Stars of Hollywood Who Have Aged Too Flawlessly To Be True

Marie Osmond – 1959

Marie Osmond

Marie Osmond, which has been awarded by Everlasting Beauty Award, has straightforward tips when it comes to preserving youthful glow and radiance. The musician is still fresh looking despite her age. What’s her most guarded secret? Self-care. She highlights that self-care is the best thing to do to keep oneself looking and feeling best at her age. Drinking a lot of water and gets ample rest.

Her de-stressing therapy is taking long walks, reading, and going for long hikes. She also exercises a lot and keeps a strict schedule for it. Also, making yourself pretty like having the best hair and complementing it with the right makeup will make you look younger and boost self-confidence. She also shared that you should forget your real age and become timeless. Nothing beats an old school routine.

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